I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts! This Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ I've changed the name from "our little bean" to "our little baby peanutty!"
~ I'm already over excessive bloating and gas... not happy, not comfortable!
~ Got my FFF box yesterday, what a ripoff and still no e-mail response back!!! I will be calling tomorow.
~ I stayed off of Dr. Google today and what do you know, it was an anxiety free day!
~ Mr. Wonderful is working late today... extra money means extra happy wifey!
~ My dad says I'm having a boy because peanutty is already giving me h*ll. Told my dad not a snowballs chance in h*ll, peanutty is a girl!
~ Our kids names: Delaney Jacqueline M.; John Michael M.; Peyton Elizabeth or Peyton John Michael M. Depends on what we have and whether or not we get a boy and a girl in the first 2 trys... Tim is the last male in his bloodline so he has to have a boy... we are not having more than 3 kids, just not happening.
~ Tomorrow is not only Friday but payday and my 3 o'clock Friday and Mr. Wonderful and I have a fun weekend planned!
That's it from here, what are you thinking this Thursday?