Monday, March 4, 2013

Way behind the 8-ball!

So I started blogging like a long time 2010-2011ish...around the time that I was unemployed!  I kept up with it a lot, only because I really honestly had nothing better to do, that and my farm on Farmville was not in need of farming at the moment.  But when I became employed again, my blog went to pot.

The blogging bug bit me again back in November of 2012 thanks to Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom!  Her blog is hilarious and she has two of the most adorable kids I've ever seen!!!  You should click the link to see what I'm talking about it, you won't regret it!!!  So of course I pulled down my old blog and started a new one over at Cafe Press.  Well that blog didn't last long due to it, in my opinion, being to complicated to work. 

So once again, here I am trying to give it another go, that and I have a lot of exciting things in my life that are coming up and of course I want to share them with the world, or at least people that will stop over and read my blog.  I can't shoot for the moon right away, I have to work up to it!

So... welcome those of you that have stopped over to see what I'm about!  I promise some good reading, or at least I will try!!!

Oh and for those of you new to me... I'm getting married to the love of my life Tim in 68 days!  I'm not keeping track or anything, lol!!!

Here is a picture of Tim and I the day after he asked me to marry him!!!

I promise in the next blog post or two to introduce myself and give you a glimpse into my life...or at least just enough to keep you hooked ;o)

Till my next post, stay classy and keep reading!


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