Well... It has been a while since I last posted, according to Blogger my last post was in July, oopie! Life has been a bit hectic for my husband and I. We tried very hard to get life in before our baby girl got here so blog posting was the last thing on my mind. So besides all that, this is what you are here for...
I'm a new mommy to a one week old baby girl, Delaney Jacqueline Rose! She was born at 5:20pm on Wednesday November 27, 2013. She weighed 7lbs and 7oz and she was 20 inches long. I hate to brag but being a first time mom, I was only in active labor for TWO HOURS!! I went from being 4cm dilated to 9cm in 15 minutes. My husband barely made it back before I had to start pushing or at least before I begged them to let me start pushing.
I went into the hospital at 6:00am that morning and it took two hours and multiple attempts to try and get a good vein for an IV. For one I was a bit dehydrated and I begged the nurses to let me hydrate before attempting to poke me for a millionth time. Every time they would get a vein and start to hydrate me my vein would blow. Then they tried to bring in the anesthesiologist and I sent her right back out when I saw the needle she tried to poke me with. They finally sent in my doc and her best friend and nurse who not only used a smaller IV needle but managed to find a vein without killing me. Turns out she had to give her grandson an IV everyday due to a medical condition so she was pro at working with little veins. Once they were able to establish an IV line they hydrated me and hooked me up to a course of antibiotics and then hooked me up to the Pitocin.
Once the Pitocin had a chance to work as well as the IV antibiotics were given. My doc came in at about 12ish or so and broke my water... that was a very interesting feeling and experience. I'm kind of glad my husband wasn't there, it was a wee bit embarrassing. So once my water broke oh man did the contractions hit me hard and fast. I tried as hard as I could to hold out for the epidural but maybe lasted an hour or so. I applause and admire you women that can give birth without any pain medicine because I sure as heck could not, the pain was more than I could handle. But I now know that nothing is as painful as giving birth. I can now say that without feeling weird because I would say that and I had never given birth before, lol.
Holy Hannah, the epidural experience... My mom had to be there for that one. We sent Tim out of the room because after his experience with the IV nightmare I couldn't afford for him to pass out again. Yes folks my husband passed out when they were trying to establish an IV. Ok so, I had to be poked twice for the epidural because I kept retracting my back. But once it was established and my entire bottom half was numb, I was beyond grateful and super proud of myself. For one I didn't think I could ever do it. So once the epidural was established and making me feel good, I enjoyed life for about 3-4 hours or so. I should have listened to the nurses when they told me to sleep, had I known then that the pushing process was so laborious, I would have made it a priority to get that nap in. So at about 4ish or so the nurse came in to check on me and I was still at 4cm. At that time I sent my husband and his dad packing and told them it could be a few more hours. Yea those were the famous last words!
No sooner than my husband and father in law left that I went from 0 to 30 in .3546 milliseconds. It literally is no joke that when you get the urge to push, you get the urge to push. OMG, that feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. It literally felt like I needed to poo (sorry for the TMI folks). So the nurse decided to check to see if it was that urge or the urge to push. Sure as ish, she checked me and I was 9cm. My mom could not pick up the phone fast enough to get my husband back to the hospital. So here I am needing to push, my husband is MIA and my doc is finishing up her appointments. I'm literally begging the nurses in between my anxiety attacks and needing to push contractions. Finally my husband shows up and then so does my doctor.
Yay, I finally get to push and push I did. Holy Hannah Banana, that pushing process is a mother jumper. I could not get that kid out of me fast enough. Not only am I using what little energy I no longer have but I'm literally passing out after every push, everyone is literally rousing me awake for the next round of pushing. After what seems like freakin forever, the fruits of my labor is finally born, a beautiful bouncing baby girl. I don't think I've ever been more relieved in my entire life when my doc and the nurses were like, "It's a girl!" Damn right she better be a girl, I've got embroidered goods with her name on it that I would never be able to return. Not to mention all the pink ish I bought after I promised myself and Tim that I would keep everything gender neutral, lol!
So after an uneventful two days in the hospital, my husband and I were released on our own recognizance with our baby girl. We were relieved to be out of the hospital but boy were we beyond anxious to be home. No more help or assistance from the nurses, it was just us three and the cat of course.
It has been one week since my baby girl has been born and boy has it been an interesting learning experience. I've had more than one post-partum anxiety attack and my frustration level has reached beyond infinity and back. But if there is one thing that my daughter has been teaching me, it's patience. I'm still learning and she is still teaching me, but boy is it a tough learning experience. Sleep is few and far between and I still don't know how to quit taking on the world and taking care of my newborn. I've always lived life at 1000 miles an hour and I was still living it the day before Delaney was born and unfortunately I'm still trying to live it after.
Don't get it twisted folks, I regret nothing and if anything, having this baby is the best decision I've ever made. I was told by so many that it would be tough and I honestly should have listened rather than poopoo them. It has been tough and I foresee it getting tougher before getting better, but to be honest, it was all worth it, every last bit of the good and bad. I've only got a short amount of time with my baby girl before I have to return back to work so my goal from here on out is to live for her and not take what little time I have left for granted. Oh and I will learn to start napping when she naps, so far that is a goal I have yet to take advantage of because once again I'm trying to live life at a 1000 miles an hour.
So far one week in, completely and utterly exhausted to the point of hallucinating but unbelievably rewarding. My husband and my daughter are the two best things that have ever happened to me.
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