Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  It has been almost 9 months since my last Thursday Thoughts link-up... So without further delay, this Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ Us Colorado folks are under a winter storm warning... 5-10 inches expected with some areas possibly getting a foot or more.  I'm a native and deal with this ish every year, it doesn't really scare me, that is until I've got my newborn in the car with me.  I know how to drive, it's the other idiot drivers out there that I worry about.
~ Speaking of snow, the weather this year is hinky.  Polar Vortex?  In the 32 years I've been alive I swear this is the first time I've ever heard of it.  Georgia shutting down over two inches of snow and ice?  I'm assuming that is unusual weather for Georgia because that is nothing to us here in Colorado, in fact that is like a daily occurence here in the winter.  Don't get me wrong, my heart went out to all those stranded folks on the highway and all those kids that got stuck at school.
~ I am so excited for the Super Bowl on Sunday.  Not only are the Broncos and Peyton Manning playing, but it will be Delaney's first Super Bowl and the best part is she will be spending it with her Grandma and Grandpa!  Grandpa is a HUGE Broncos fan and is looking forward to making Delaney a Broncos fan too.
~ So I made the mistake of bragging that Delaney was sleeping through the night, I really should have known better, Delaney woke up at 2:30 this morning and then I had a heck of time getting back to sleep.  I finally just gave up and cuddled with her.  But I must have fallen back asleep because my alarm rudely woke me up.  Then I really struggled to wake up and get ready... I'm currently drinking a REALLY BIG Diet Coke to wake me up.
~ I've got a TON of clothes for Delaney and everytime I see more cute clothes I get them.  Plus Tim refuses to sell or give any away until we know if we are having another girl or not.  I don't blame him but if I can make some extra money in the process, why not?
~ I'm looking forward to the weekend, uninterupted quality time with my husband and daughter!  This is what life is all about for me and I couldn't be any happier.
That's it from here this lovely Thursday!  What are you thinking about today?


  1. OH YEAH Southerners cannot drive in snow and especially not in ice. Southern cities also do not have the heavy machinery to clear the snow and salt the roads. I used to save my kids' clothes and now I just get rid of them. I know that I get nearly as much back as I spend on them and I'll find more awesome deals with the next kid.

  2. My 18mth old little girl wakes at least twice every night! I'm on my third coffee......

  3. I made the mistake of saving all my old boy clothes. Now I just have stacks and stacks of stuff. STACKS. It's insane.

    And I have been wondering where you were!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
