Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...

~ I'm a bit stung and hurt by the fact that my supposed best friend felt that I was rushing into my marriage and parenthood with my future husband.  If you felt this way, why would you even want to be a part of my wedding?  If there was even a shred of making amends, there is none now!

~ There is no communication in my work place whatsoever and as a result I was lectured by one of my clients.  What a way to start my day first thing this morning and now I'm in a rotten mood and I'm completely behind on accomplishing my list of things to get done before I leave.

~ Apparently I am a bad influence!  Yesterday I sent a picture to my mom about the next dog I want to get...
And so my mom decided to do a little exploring....
And this little cutie "Macaroni" will be coming home soon!  Mom was being all tough and saying she didn't want any more dogs!  But if mom puts her through enough obeidience training and disciplines her, there is no reason why she couldn't be a KOA dog too!  Plus she is so cute and tiny she will travel well!

~ I'm getting married in two weeks and I am beyond, beyond, beyond excited!!!  I've been dying to marry Tim, oh that would be my future husband by the way, since we knew we wanted to marry each other in January 2012!  We've come a loooooong way and now we just want to make things official!

~ It was an exciting day when we got our final paperwork on our wedding ceremony!  Everything is set and ready to go, Tim and I just need to pick out what the officiant says, finalize our invitations for the reception, book a rental car and find a David's Briday in Florida!  Other than those few things we are ready to get this party started!

~ So Tim and I dropped a sh*t ton of cash on Peanutty this past weekend!  We bought a crib and mattress and the entire bed set of the nursery theme we are going with, Safari Babies!  We also bought a jungle jumperoo, a mobile and some diapers!  I know we bought more things but because we bought so much not everything is really springing to my mind!  Oh and I just went online and saw that my crib is now sold out!  I hope that they didn't oversell and my order is going to be cancelled... boo!

~ I think Colorado finally experienced its last snow or at least it better have, I'm so sick of the cold and wet weather, my trip to Florida could not be coming along any slower... I need a change of scenery and quick!

That's it from here this lovely Thursday!  What are you thinking about today?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's been a while!

I just wanted to drop a quick post and let all my fellow readers out there know that I am indeed still alive and kicking.  My wedding is just over two weeks away and so I've been preparting for that as well as adjusting to my pregnancy which has been tough to say the least.  I promise to be more active soon so please don't give up on me yet!

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….
~ I'm having trouble staying off of Dr. Google... I find it a little disconcerting that I'm this far along in my pregnancy and I've had no morning sickness... should I be blessed or scared???
~ I find it beyond lame that Farrah from Teen Mom hired a porn star (James Deen) to try and leak a sex tape so that she can keep up her beyond over 15 minutes of fame.  Farrah, sweetie, your 15 minutes were up a really long time ago, you've lost all credibility!
~ I'm obsessed with the girls from Teen Mom 2!!  I follow them religiously on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and whatever social networking sight they may be apart of!
~ Yesterday was a snow day, woot, and I worked the entire day through... lame!
~ I have spring fever bad, like beyond bad... I cry when there is possible talk of snow... NO. MORE. SNOW!
~ There is only four more weeks left until my wedding... O. M. G!!!!!
~ I am in desperate need of a vacation and my honeymoon is taking its sweet time getting here!
~ I have baby fever and BAD... I almost ran away with a clients twin boys because they were absolutely adorable... I kept having to tell myself all in good time!
~ I just want to boob it out all the time!  And when I mean "boob" it out, I mean be beyond lazy and sleep all the time... And get your minds out of the gutter, lol!
~ I've stalled on my reading with What to Expect when your Expecting... I've reached a beyond boring part of my book and I so badly want to skip but know that is not ok... must keep reading!!!
That is it from here on this lovely Wednesday afternoon... what are you saying so what to this week?  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ I can't help but feel like I've done something so bad and now I'm being punished by not being able to provide enough Progesterone to my growing baby.
~ For those of you reading and confused, I got test results back showing low Progesterone levels and now I am on Prometrium to drive my levels higher... I'm scared.
~ I've been thinking a lot about trying to make ends meet... Mr. Wonderful and I are already struggling to pay for my medical bills as my health insurance is a deductible plan... currently I am in the process of filing for Medicaid.
~ I went batsh*t crazy on Mr. Wonderful last night about how he needs to step it up and start helping me pay for my medical expenses as this baby is a two way street and he needs to start pulling his weight... his response... "well maybe you should look into getting a second job."  Mr. Wonderful is very much on my sh*tlist.
~ I've already cut waaaaaaay back on my extra cirricular spending yet I am still finding ways to cut back seeming as how I'm currently the only one that has to be financially responsible for this baby... have I mentioned Mr. Wonderful is on my sh*tlist... if not, let me be so kind as to remind you again.
~ If you can't tell, I'm a little stressed and pissed... Mr. Wonderful has no idea that he is on my sh*tlist and I would like to keep it that way, hence why I am venting on my blog.  He has no idea my blog exists so this is a good place to go when I'm feeling this way.
~ Ok, I'm done venting... on a happy note, I've dug out some baby stuff....
I get excited when I see this stuff... it makes me realize that this really is happening!!!

Well, that's it from here today... what are your thoughts? 

So What Wednesday, Thursday Style!!!!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….
~ I'm making this post on Thursday... I was very much preoccupied yesterday... I still kind of am preoccupied but not nearly as bad!
~ I have a Scentsy addiction.  Mr. Wonderful said no more yet I'm buying like 6 more warmers and picking up a ton of new scents.  It would be one thing if I bought it and never used it, but its another that I've seriously got 8 warmers going in my house at once... soon to be 10!
~ I went batsh*t crazy on my mom and Mr. Wonderful last night.  I got some test results back yesterday and no one at my doctor's office could answer my questions.  They left me hanging which in turn caused me to go all psycho on everyone. 
~ Rather than pay $300 to get Mr. Moo's teeth cleaned just yet, I'm going to try buying him a bunch of bones from the grocery store and see if he can chew his way to beautiful white teeth!!!
~ Mr. Wonderful and I set-up all the baby goodies my mom bought me a zillion years ago... Yes, my mom is crazy but I still love her though!

~ I've been advised by my doctor that I am NOT ALLOWED to google anymore.  In fact, she actually called Mr. Wonderful and my mom and asked them to block my access, lol.  She said no good ever comes from Dr. Google, especially when trying to google pregnancy symptoms.  I'm happy to report I've only googled once and that was because no one could give me straight answer on my test results.

~ I've finally figured out that only eating 3 meals a day will not cut it for me, that is unless I want to end up sick as a dog with beyond terrible bloating and gas.  Peanutty apparently requires that I eat 6 small meals a day.  Not even born and lil Peanutty is already demanding, just like me, lol!!!

~ I gave up on trying to fit into my original wedding dress.  David's Bridal was kind enough to let me exchange my dress for a bigger size AND they are taking the zipper out and making it into a corset top so that my dress will expand with my ever expanding baby bump!  Peanutty wants to get in on the big day too!!

~ Only 5 more weeks until my wedding day!!!!  I'm dying to get married and I don't know how much longer I can wait... I've said it once before, I'm the most impatient person ever!!!!

~ I'm obsessed with my "What to Expect When Your Expecting Book."  So obsessed that I read it until I fall asleep at night.

That's it from here what are you saying so what to this week?