Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...

~ I'm a bit stung and hurt by the fact that my supposed best friend felt that I was rushing into my marriage and parenthood with my future husband.  If you felt this way, why would you even want to be a part of my wedding?  If there was even a shred of making amends, there is none now!

~ There is no communication in my work place whatsoever and as a result I was lectured by one of my clients.  What a way to start my day first thing this morning and now I'm in a rotten mood and I'm completely behind on accomplishing my list of things to get done before I leave.

~ Apparently I am a bad influence!  Yesterday I sent a picture to my mom about the next dog I want to get...
And so my mom decided to do a little exploring....
And this little cutie "Macaroni" will be coming home soon!  Mom was being all tough and saying she didn't want any more dogs!  But if mom puts her through enough obeidience training and disciplines her, there is no reason why she couldn't be a KOA dog too!  Plus she is so cute and tiny she will travel well!

~ I'm getting married in two weeks and I am beyond, beyond, beyond excited!!!  I've been dying to marry Tim, oh that would be my future husband by the way, since we knew we wanted to marry each other in January 2012!  We've come a loooooong way and now we just want to make things official!

~ It was an exciting day when we got our final paperwork on our wedding ceremony!  Everything is set and ready to go, Tim and I just need to pick out what the officiant says, finalize our invitations for the reception, book a rental car and find a David's Briday in Florida!  Other than those few things we are ready to get this party started!

~ So Tim and I dropped a sh*t ton of cash on Peanutty this past weekend!  We bought a crib and mattress and the entire bed set of the nursery theme we are going with, Safari Babies!  We also bought a jungle jumperoo, a mobile and some diapers!  I know we bought more things but because we bought so much not everything is really springing to my mind!  Oh and I just went online and saw that my crib is now sold out!  I hope that they didn't oversell and my order is going to be cancelled... boo!

~ I think Colorado finally experienced its last snow or at least it better have, I'm so sick of the cold and wet weather, my trip to Florida could not be coming along any slower... I need a change of scenery and quick!

That's it from here this lovely Thursday!  What are you thinking about today?

1 comment:

  1. Wait, how long have you known your husband (well fiance) that your BFF thinks this?? He sounds like a great guy to me!

    And your mom's soon to be dog is ADORABLE!!! I love him!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
