Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The life of being a mother, one week in! Oh and Delaney's birth story!

Well... It has been a while since I last posted, according to Blogger my last post was in July, oopie!  Life has been a bit hectic for my husband and I.  We tried very hard to get life in before our baby girl got here so blog posting was the last thing on my mind.  So besides all that, this is what you are here for...

I'm a new mommy to a one week old baby girl, Delaney Jacqueline Rose!  She was born at 5:20pm on Wednesday November 27, 2013.  She weighed 7lbs and 7oz and she was 20 inches long.  I hate to brag but being a first time mom, I was only in active labor for TWO HOURS!!  I went from being 4cm dilated to 9cm in 15 minutes.  My husband barely made it back before I had to start pushing or at least before I begged them to let me start pushing.

I went into the hospital at 6:00am that morning and it took two hours and multiple attempts to try and get a good vein for an IV.  For one I was a bit dehydrated and I begged the nurses to let me hydrate before attempting to poke me for a millionth time.  Every time they would get a vein and start to hydrate me my vein would blow.  Then they tried to bring in the anesthesiologist and I sent her right back out when I saw the needle she tried to poke me with.  They finally sent in my doc and her best friend and nurse who not only used a smaller IV needle but managed to find a vein without killing me.  Turns out she had to give her grandson an IV everyday due to a medical condition so she was pro at working with little veins.  Once they were able to establish an IV line they hydrated me and hooked me up to a course of antibiotics and then hooked me up to the Pitocin.

Once the Pitocin had a chance to work as well as the IV antibiotics were given.  My doc came in at about 12ish or so and broke my water... that was a very interesting feeling and experience.  I'm kind of glad my husband wasn't there, it was a wee bit embarrassing.  So once my water broke oh man did the contractions hit me hard and fast.  I tried as hard as I could to hold out for the epidural but maybe lasted an hour or so.  I applause and admire you women that can give birth without any pain medicine because I sure as heck could not, the pain was more than I could handle.  But I now know that nothing is as painful as giving birth.  I can now say that without feeling weird because I would say that and I had never given birth before, lol.

Holy Hannah, the epidural experience... My mom had to be there for that one.  We sent Tim out of the room because after his experience with the IV nightmare I couldn't afford for him to pass out again.  Yes folks my husband passed out when they were trying to establish an IV.  Ok so, I had to be poked twice for the epidural because I kept retracting my back.  But once it was established and my entire bottom half was numb, I was beyond grateful and super proud of myself.  For one I didn't think I could ever do it.  So once the epidural was established and making me feel good, I enjoyed life for about 3-4 hours or so.  I should have listened to the nurses when they told me to sleep, had I known then that the pushing process was so laborious, I would have made it a priority to get that nap in.  So at about 4ish or so the nurse came in to check on me and I was still at 4cm.  At that time I sent my husband and his dad packing and told them it could be a few more hours.  Yea those were the famous last words!

No sooner than my husband and father in law left that I went from 0 to 30 in .3546 milliseconds.  It literally is no joke that when you get the urge to push, you get the urge to push.  OMG, that feeling hit me like a ton of bricks.  It literally felt like I needed to poo (sorry for the TMI folks).  So the nurse decided to check to see if it was that urge or the urge to push.  Sure as ish, she checked me and I was 9cm.  My mom could not pick up the phone fast enough to get my husband back to the hospital.  So here I am needing to push, my husband is MIA and my doc is finishing up her appointments.  I'm literally begging the nurses in between my anxiety attacks and needing to push contractions.  Finally my husband shows up and then so does my doctor.

Yay, I finally get to push and push I did.  Holy Hannah Banana, that pushing process is a mother jumper.  I could not get that kid out of me fast enough.  Not only am I using what little energy I no longer have but I'm literally passing out after every push, everyone is literally rousing me awake for the next round of pushing.  After what seems like freakin forever, the fruits of my labor is finally born, a beautiful bouncing baby girl.  I don't think I've ever been more relieved in my entire life when my doc and the nurses were like, "It's a girl!"  Damn right she better be a girl, I've got embroidered goods with her name on it that I would never be able to return.  Not to mention all the pink ish I bought after I promised myself and Tim that I would keep everything gender neutral, lol!

So after an uneventful two days in the hospital, my husband and I were released on our own recognizance with our baby girl.  We were relieved to be out of the hospital but boy were we beyond anxious to be home.  No more help or assistance from the nurses, it was just us three and the cat of course.

It has been one week since my baby girl has been born and boy has it been an interesting learning experience.  I've had more than one post-partum anxiety attack and my frustration level has reached beyond infinity and back.  But if there is one thing that my daughter has been teaching me, it's patience.  I'm still learning and she is still teaching me, but boy is it a tough learning experience.  Sleep is few and far between and I still don't know how to quit taking on the world and taking care of my newborn.  I've always lived life at 1000 miles an hour and I was still living it the day before Delaney was born and unfortunately I'm still trying to live it after. 

Don't get it twisted folks, I regret nothing and if anything, having this baby is the best decision I've ever made.  I was told by so many that it would be tough and I honestly should have listened rather than poopoo them.  It has been tough and I foresee it getting tougher before getting better, but to be honest, it was all worth it, every last bit of the good and bad.  I've only got a short amount of time with my baby girl before I have to return back to work so my goal from here on out is to live for her and not take what little time I have left for granted.  Oh and I will learn to start napping when she naps, so far that is a goal I have yet to take advantage of because once again I'm trying to live life at a 1000 miles an hour.

So far one week in, completely and utterly exhausted to the point of hallucinating but unbelievably rewarding.  My husband and my daughter are the two best things that have ever happened to me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~ I'm still shaking my head at the Zimmerman verdict, I want to strangle all the jurors!  What if that was YOUR kid?!?!?  Would you still feel the same way?!?!  My household is divided over this, so I don't dare speak about it at my house!

~ Um, so yea, I went a little to hogwild and spent like $300+ on goodies for Delaney!  I'm trying to find a good way to tell Tim and then let him know at the same time that I will try my damned hardest not to do it again!

~ I'm rejoycing, I finally received a diagnosis for the severe pain I've been experiencing for the last month or so, symphysis pubis dysfunction, only 7% of women experience it during pregnancy and apparently ice and specialized prenatal PT helps to keep the pain manageable!  Until this kid comes out, I'm going to have to learn to live with the pain, awesome sauce!

~ I'm inpatient, I can't wait for my babyshower!  I need to know what everyone is going to buy me like now, or I'm going to spend all of mine and Tim's hard earned money on it all, lol!

~ I'm finally going on my first overnight camp/fishing trip with Tim and our friends since becoming pregnant!  The catch, I'm lugging all 20 million of my pillows in order to be comfortable.  Until you've experienced what I am experiencing right now, the only comfort you have at night is a million pillows stuffed every which way underneath you!

~ I'm envious of you ladies and your second trimester mack truck appetite and energy spurts.  I've got none of that!  I'm lucky if I'm ever in the mood to eat and don't have to force myself.  And this supposed extra energy I'm supposed to have during the second trimester, I really do need this, my house is disgusting, I'm too tired to clean and my husband refuses to help!

~ My husband and I haven't slept in the same bed together in months!  I am ashamed to admit this because I miss him dearly!!!  Due to my need of 20 million pillows, there is no place for him to sleep.  So it's just me, my prego belly, my 20 million pillows and Lillian (cat) to fend for ourselves at night!  Lillian has learned where to sleep in order to avoid my constant need to pee and of course my constant need to switch sides at night.

So... that is it for me on this darling Wednesday, what are you saying so what to?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….
~ Tim and I just found out that we are having a....
~ Immediately after we found out, I started back pedaling on the name we already mutually agreed on like a year ago... At a time when kids were just talk and not a reality... I'm still just as enamoured today as I was then, but for just one gleaming moment, the name Brenleigh seemed so much more better!!!
~ Tim already put a kabosh on any pink baby bedding... And as if this wasn't scary enough... I totally agreed with him!!!  Our nursery colors are not conducive to pink... at all!!!  It was agreed that we should stick to gender neutral baby bedding just in case Baby McGuire #2 does end up being a boy!!!
~ But in all fairness, Tim did greenlight dressing the baby in all pink frilly tutu's so that was a fair compromise!
~ So in the beginning of my pregnancy I was adamant that the baby was going to be a girl...then all my friends started plaguing my mind with doubt and for the last couple of weeks I could have sworn baby was a boy!!!  I guess my gut instinct should be trusted!!!
~ Tim has been over the moon since finding out the baby is a girl and to be honest I'm shocked!  I thought for sure he would be all butt-hurt and disappointed... Tim has been very vocal about wanting a the fact that he can't quit smiling and calling our baby by her name... yea, that makes my heart melt!
~ Is it sad that I don't want to drop everything and go register for the baby now?!?!  As I was sitting waiting to be called for my ultrasound, I was actually looking at the Babies R Us Big Book for Babies (or something similar to that effect) that I actually became overwhelmed and started to hyperventilate!!  
~ My three biggest stressors right now are acquiring health insurance for the baby, daycare and coming up with all the goodies that the baby needs.  Tim and I, we are not flush with money and I doubt that we ever will be, but it is something that weighs on me every single day...
~ The baby, yea, she's a freakin stubborn little butt already... she's making me get a second ultrasound because she refused to unwrap herself from her hiding spot and let the doctor examine her heart and other organs... I don't know how to feel... on one hand I get to see her again, on the other, Tim and I already have our hands full and she's not even born yet, lol!
~ Oh and just in case you were wondering... Delaney Jacqueline... The name of our baby girl!
That is it from here this lovely Wednesday, what are you saying so what to?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~ I'm mad at my friends for blowing my wedding reception off!  How many countless birthdays, parties and weddings did I show up to for them and they can't even return the favor?!?!  I know where we stand now and frankly I don't want to be friends anymore!

~ I ended up in the ER for five hours just two days after my return from my wedding and honeymoon!  I felt like ish, terrible ish, but I partly did it because I knew they would do an ultrasound of the baby and this mama wanted to see her baby for the first time!

~ I've been having a hard time coming down from my vacation, concentrating at work has been extra super hard... I really need to get my ass in gear!

~ So the cats have been living it up in Peanutty's crib and bassinet as evidenced...

and Here:

I know that I should really be kicking them out and cleaning up the nastiness they leave behind, but I've been sick for the last two weeks and its hard to take care of yourself and these independent furries that really don't know that what they are doing is wrong, ugh! 

~ So my belly has popped and I mean popped, I finally look pregnant and not fat!

~ Some icky looking weather just moved in and I left three windows open... things could get really bad or I could get really lucky... I'm hoping for the latter of the two!

~ We I bought a ton of goodies while on our trip to Walt Disney World!  It's been fun trying to find places to put it all!  I completely rearranged the living room upstairs and the family room downstairs, I've taken it over with my design ideas and Tim actually likes it and didn't complain!

~ I get to wear my wedding dress again on Saturday for our wedding reception and I'm beyond ecstatic!  I only got to wear it for a couple of hours on our wedding day, for one the heat and humidity was beyond out of control so the sooner I could get out of it the better!  My mom put a lot of money into that dress so I need to get my money's woth out of it before I pack it away!

~ Oh and I couldn't send you away without a wedding photo, that would be cruel!

That is it from here this lovely Wednesday, what are you saying so what to?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~ I've already checked out, I'm in a honeymoon/wedding/vacation kind of mode, there is no bringing me back now.

~ My mom got a new dog and I've got puppy fever bad!  Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it as Tim would absolutely flip sh*t and that is not a way to start a marriage!

~ I've only gone back and forth, back and forth about whether or not the crib I already picked out and paid for is the one that I really want, lol.  I'm so wishy washy, but in the end I still think that I made a good choice and I'm sticking with it!

~ I finally mailed out all my reception invitations on Monday and I'm only giving everybody two weeks to RSVP!  I'm like, so sorry I procrastinated but you can't and you've got to RSVP NOW damnit, lol!

~ I tried moving up my first ultrasound appointment to today but my doctor is booked through the end of May.... Um, I'm seriously not anxious or anything... I just need to know that little peanutty is coming along just well in that there tummy of mine!

~ I'm anxious to tell my boss that I'm expecting, though I'm a little worried as I will make the third person in our office expecting a little one in the last half of the year, lol!

~ Tonight is my final dress fitting, everything is coming together and I couldn't be more happy!

~ I'm procrastinating putting this file together at work... I worked on it all day yesterday... the papers were dirty and reaked of cigarette smoke... it was all I could do to not yarf everywhere... It might be better this morning, but then again, I'm also taking my sweet time getting everything back out, lol!

That is it from here this lovely Wednesday, what are you saying so what to?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...

~ I'm a bit stung and hurt by the fact that my supposed best friend felt that I was rushing into my marriage and parenthood with my future husband.  If you felt this way, why would you even want to be a part of my wedding?  If there was even a shred of making amends, there is none now!

~ There is no communication in my work place whatsoever and as a result I was lectured by one of my clients.  What a way to start my day first thing this morning and now I'm in a rotten mood and I'm completely behind on accomplishing my list of things to get done before I leave.

~ Apparently I am a bad influence!  Yesterday I sent a picture to my mom about the next dog I want to get...
And so my mom decided to do a little exploring....
And this little cutie "Macaroni" will be coming home soon!  Mom was being all tough and saying she didn't want any more dogs!  But if mom puts her through enough obeidience training and disciplines her, there is no reason why she couldn't be a KOA dog too!  Plus she is so cute and tiny she will travel well!

~ I'm getting married in two weeks and I am beyond, beyond, beyond excited!!!  I've been dying to marry Tim, oh that would be my future husband by the way, since we knew we wanted to marry each other in January 2012!  We've come a loooooong way and now we just want to make things official!

~ It was an exciting day when we got our final paperwork on our wedding ceremony!  Everything is set and ready to go, Tim and I just need to pick out what the officiant says, finalize our invitations for the reception, book a rental car and find a David's Briday in Florida!  Other than those few things we are ready to get this party started!

~ So Tim and I dropped a sh*t ton of cash on Peanutty this past weekend!  We bought a crib and mattress and the entire bed set of the nursery theme we are going with, Safari Babies!  We also bought a jungle jumperoo, a mobile and some diapers!  I know we bought more things but because we bought so much not everything is really springing to my mind!  Oh and I just went online and saw that my crib is now sold out!  I hope that they didn't oversell and my order is going to be cancelled... boo!

~ I think Colorado finally experienced its last snow or at least it better have, I'm so sick of the cold and wet weather, my trip to Florida could not be coming along any slower... I need a change of scenery and quick!

That's it from here this lovely Thursday!  What are you thinking about today?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's been a while!

I just wanted to drop a quick post and let all my fellow readers out there know that I am indeed still alive and kicking.  My wedding is just over two weeks away and so I've been preparting for that as well as adjusting to my pregnancy which has been tough to say the least.  I promise to be more active soon so please don't give up on me yet!

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….
~ I'm having trouble staying off of Dr. Google... I find it a little disconcerting that I'm this far along in my pregnancy and I've had no morning sickness... should I be blessed or scared???
~ I find it beyond lame that Farrah from Teen Mom hired a porn star (James Deen) to try and leak a sex tape so that she can keep up her beyond over 15 minutes of fame.  Farrah, sweetie, your 15 minutes were up a really long time ago, you've lost all credibility!
~ I'm obsessed with the girls from Teen Mom 2!!  I follow them religiously on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and whatever social networking sight they may be apart of!
~ Yesterday was a snow day, woot, and I worked the entire day through... lame!
~ I have spring fever bad, like beyond bad... I cry when there is possible talk of snow... NO. MORE. SNOW!
~ There is only four more weeks left until my wedding... O. M. G!!!!!
~ I am in desperate need of a vacation and my honeymoon is taking its sweet time getting here!
~ I have baby fever and BAD... I almost ran away with a clients twin boys because they were absolutely adorable... I kept having to tell myself all in good time!
~ I just want to boob it out all the time!  And when I mean "boob" it out, I mean be beyond lazy and sleep all the time... And get your minds out of the gutter, lol!
~ I've stalled on my reading with What to Expect when your Expecting... I've reached a beyond boring part of my book and I so badly want to skip but know that is not ok... must keep reading!!!
That is it from here on this lovely Wednesday afternoon... what are you saying so what to this week?  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ I can't help but feel like I've done something so bad and now I'm being punished by not being able to provide enough Progesterone to my growing baby.
~ For those of you reading and confused, I got test results back showing low Progesterone levels and now I am on Prometrium to drive my levels higher... I'm scared.
~ I've been thinking a lot about trying to make ends meet... Mr. Wonderful and I are already struggling to pay for my medical bills as my health insurance is a deductible plan... currently I am in the process of filing for Medicaid.
~ I went batsh*t crazy on Mr. Wonderful last night about how he needs to step it up and start helping me pay for my medical expenses as this baby is a two way street and he needs to start pulling his weight... his response... "well maybe you should look into getting a second job."  Mr. Wonderful is very much on my sh*tlist.
~ I've already cut waaaaaaay back on my extra cirricular spending yet I am still finding ways to cut back seeming as how I'm currently the only one that has to be financially responsible for this baby... have I mentioned Mr. Wonderful is on my sh*tlist... if not, let me be so kind as to remind you again.
~ If you can't tell, I'm a little stressed and pissed... Mr. Wonderful has no idea that he is on my sh*tlist and I would like to keep it that way, hence why I am venting on my blog.  He has no idea my blog exists so this is a good place to go when I'm feeling this way.
~ Ok, I'm done venting... on a happy note, I've dug out some baby stuff....
I get excited when I see this stuff... it makes me realize that this really is happening!!!

Well, that's it from here today... what are your thoughts? 

So What Wednesday, Thursday Style!!!!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….
~ I'm making this post on Thursday... I was very much preoccupied yesterday... I still kind of am preoccupied but not nearly as bad!
~ I have a Scentsy addiction.  Mr. Wonderful said no more yet I'm buying like 6 more warmers and picking up a ton of new scents.  It would be one thing if I bought it and never used it, but its another that I've seriously got 8 warmers going in my house at once... soon to be 10!
~ I went batsh*t crazy on my mom and Mr. Wonderful last night.  I got some test results back yesterday and no one at my doctor's office could answer my questions.  They left me hanging which in turn caused me to go all psycho on everyone. 
~ Rather than pay $300 to get Mr. Moo's teeth cleaned just yet, I'm going to try buying him a bunch of bones from the grocery store and see if he can chew his way to beautiful white teeth!!!
~ Mr. Wonderful and I set-up all the baby goodies my mom bought me a zillion years ago... Yes, my mom is crazy but I still love her though!

~ I've been advised by my doctor that I am NOT ALLOWED to google anymore.  In fact, she actually called Mr. Wonderful and my mom and asked them to block my access, lol.  She said no good ever comes from Dr. Google, especially when trying to google pregnancy symptoms.  I'm happy to report I've only googled once and that was because no one could give me straight answer on my test results.

~ I've finally figured out that only eating 3 meals a day will not cut it for me, that is unless I want to end up sick as a dog with beyond terrible bloating and gas.  Peanutty apparently requires that I eat 6 small meals a day.  Not even born and lil Peanutty is already demanding, just like me, lol!!!

~ I gave up on trying to fit into my original wedding dress.  David's Bridal was kind enough to let me exchange my dress for a bigger size AND they are taking the zipper out and making it into a corset top so that my dress will expand with my ever expanding baby bump!  Peanutty wants to get in on the big day too!!

~ Only 5 more weeks until my wedding day!!!!  I'm dying to get married and I don't know how much longer I can wait... I've said it once before, I'm the most impatient person ever!!!!

~ I'm obsessed with my "What to Expect When Your Expecting Book."  So obsessed that I read it until I fall asleep at night.

That's it from here what are you saying so what to this week?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ I've changed the name from "our little bean" to "our little baby peanutty!"
~ I'm already over excessive bloating and gas... not happy, not comfortable!
~ Got my FFF box yesterday, what a ripoff and still no e-mail response back!!!  I will be calling tomorow.
~ I stayed off of Dr. Google today and what do you know, it was an anxiety free day!
~ Mr. Wonderful is working late today... extra money means extra happy wifey!
~ My dad says I'm having a boy because peanutty is already giving me h*ll.  Told my dad not a snowballs chance in h*ll, peanutty is a girl!
~ Our kids names: Delaney Jacqueline M.; John Michael M.; Peyton Elizabeth or Peyton John Michael M.  Depends on what we have and whether or not we get a boy and a girl in the first 2 trys...  Tim is the last male in his bloodline so he has to have a boy... we are not having more than 3 kids, just not happening.
~ Tomorrow is not only Friday but payday and my 3 o'clock Friday and Mr. Wonderful and I have a fun weekend planned! 
That's it from here, what are you thinking this Thursday?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So What Wednesday Pregnancy Edition!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~ I'm obsessed with the little bean growing inside of me, like beyond obsessed!!!

~ I'm obsessed with GTS out of every little pregnancy symptom I come across, so far I'm not liking what I see... my doctor is starting to become upset with me and Mr. Wonderful has now put a password on his laptop so I can't obsess at home... Thank goodness for work and my cellphone!

~ No one knows I'm pregnant except for a select few...I'm safe airing it out on my blog since no one on FB knows I have a blog and honestly at this point if anyone finds out I'm not really worried anymore!

~ Mr. Wonderful and I were forced to give a baby a go when we found out that my health insurance sucked balls... see more below... We pretty much talked for 10 minutes decided it was now or never and what do you know...

~ Mr. Wonderful and I conceived our first time trying, there was no couple of months or a year, I got knocked-up right out of the gate... way to go baby, sorry if I ever doubted that you were shooting blanks!

~ I'm scared sh*tless, like beyond scared... not only am I already scared about giving birth, but I'm scared about telling my boss and I'm scared about how Mr. Wonderful and I will make ends meet.

~ I'm having a fall baby, Mr. Wonderful is kind of disappointed that it will be so close to Christmas, but he can blame the suckiness of my health insurance for that... United Healthcare won't pay a dime until we meet my $4,800 deductible.  Tell me again why everyone is so opposed to Obamacare?!?!

~ I have no patience, none, zip, nada... I want to start feeling pregnant and its not happening fast enough...

~ I want to read through my "what to expect when your expecting" book with lighing speed but Mr. Wonderful now wants to read along with me... I'm excited that he's so excited but let me read the book first and then he can read it!

~ Mr. Wonderful is beyond over the moon, like beyond excited that he's going to be a daddy, but has he stopped partying in solidarity of his pregnant fiance?!?  Um no, he just doesn't do it in front of me... Awesome... Glad to know that not only do I get to carry around the bullet for the next 9 months but I get to also be a jealous b*tch too... 

That's it from here, so what are you saying so what to this week? 

Friday, March 22, 2013

An update on Mr. Moo!

For those of you wondering, the gentle giant, Mr. Moo, he's ok!

His ears were overloaded with hair, dirt and gook and none of the canals were inflammed nor were there any infections... plus they didn't have to put him to sleep to clean his ears, he actually let them do it.  Though his ears then did become irritated because of all the hair pulling and flushing of the gook, but he's somewhat back to normal again!

He also had max capacity anal glands and this was taken care of at the vet too.

Now he's back to trying to eat the cat food and of course annoying his daddy, how sweet!!!

Thursday Thoughts

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...
~ I'm a day late, I know... but yesterday was incredibly busy and to be honest, I still don't have a functioning computer at home and have to write this at work... I know, I know, I'm very bad...
~ I actually kicked butt with my work March Madness Bracket... I'm guessing my ESPN Bracket might not have faired as well... I should prolly go and check on that, lol!
~ Mr. Moo is starting to come around again, thank goodnes as I was starting to worry!
~ I'm trying to figure out what Subscription boxes to axe off my list as the future hubby says I can only have 3... though thats not including Goodies which is his sub and wittlebee which he says I can keep because it benefits our future chillins, lol.
~ It's just over a month and a half till my wedding and I'm sweating bullets... we still have to plan out what the officiant is going to say at our wedding...we really need to get crackin!
~ I'm hoping in the next couple of weekends to go over and start assembling my invitations... Shanna, call me!
~ This weekend its supposed to be crappy again and I want nothing more than to burrow under the blankets and call it a weekend but we finally get to go back to Canvas & Cocktails and I'm not missing a second of that!!!!
~ Medicare might finally be off my sh*t list, I said might as they more than likely will piss me off again, but for now they're golden!
Well, thats it from here, have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~ I just got the new Scentsy catalog for Spring/Summer.... Yea I found like six new warmers I have to have and Mr. Wonderful is just going to have to live with the fact that I have ADD when it comes to styles!  I may like one warmer one minute, but then I might like something else the next... hence why its ok for me to own like 30 warmers!

~ Mr. Moo is finally starting to come around from our vet visit on Saturday... he was suffering from multiple issues, but there is no need for me to gross out and scare away what little readers I do have!

~ I filled out two March Madness brackets... I know I'm going to lose, but at least I'm going to have fun doing it.

~ I was right about my step-brothers new girlfriend!  I knew she was trouble and just using my family as her mealticket until she could find something better... too bad my step-brother still doesn't see it... oh well, he'll learn!

~ I caved and bought the PopSugar summer edition box and the Julep Maven Spring Mystery box... good thing I bought when I did as the Julep Maven Spring Mystery box is no longer available!!!

~ I still haven't paid that service to obtain my marriage license... I will get it done by April 12 so I'm not too worried about it!

~ I've been relying on Dr. Google too much as of late, I can't begin to tell you all the different ways I'm dying... its a new way everyday!

~ I've been bad about taking my pre-natal vitamins everyday... I seriously need to staple a post-it note to my forehead!

~ I've got 10 subscription boxes piled in my bedroom waiting for me to unpack them and put everything in their proper place... it's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I live a very busy life.

~ I really should hit the gym after work but am getting really freaking tired of the gym... I know I promised my doctor I would go, but man this sucks!

Whelp, thats it for what are you saying so what to this week?

March Julep Box

My March Julep Maven box arrived several weeks ago and I was stoked to have received it!  When I took the style profile quiz, which mind you I took 1000x just to get the profile I wanted, it labeled me the Bombshell, which is exactly what I wanted of course!  I didn't realize until this month of course, that I could select any of the Maven Styles, even choosing to buy all of the polish colors and the beauty extras.

So without further delay... here is what I received in my March Julep Maven box!

The first look of course!

I chose to add on an extra color, and that is why the one color is hanging out there... it was my add on!

And here is what I received...

Julep Strawberry Mint Lip Balm... ok this stuff smells delish and a girl can never have too much lip balm!!!

My extra add on was Lucky on the left and the two polishes that came in my March box were Minnie and Adrianna!

Lucky- a glittery green with both light and dark green glitter!  I bought it with the intention of painting my nails for St. Patrick's Day... never happened... maybe next year!

Minnie- Warm pastel pink opalescent shimmer!  I am in love with this color as well as the name... I think I might paint my nails this color with one finger another color... I hope to do this tonight!

Adrianna- Smoky pistachio creme!  Or maybe I might paint my nails this color with one finger another color!!!  Either way, I'm in love with this color as well!

And last but not least... Rock Star Hand Creme... it keeps hands hydrated, even after washing!!!  Um, yea, I needed something like this weeks ago...  I wash my hands no less than 100 times a day and im tired of applying and re-applying lotion to them... I can't wait to try this out!!!

I am beyond satisfied with March's box!  Today I got to pick out my April box and I'm even more stoked for that as well!  I love all the colors they are coming out with next month but cannot justify paying the $50 for all of the colors... I did add on two additional colors, pink and green and may even add on the bright yellow... Who knows....

Friday, March 15, 2013

First World Dog Problems!

Le sigh.... The above little hunk of furry love...Hold little is the biggest understatement ever, lol, because that "little" hunk of furry love is actually ginormus!!!

Anyways, Mr. Moo AkA Chase McLovin, yea he's having ear issues again.  Ever since I've had him, I believe I got him when he was seven months old!  Anyways, he's been having ear issues since he was born and its a result of his big furry floppy ears, they don't let a lot of fresh air reach his ear canal resulting in serious infections and ear gunk build-up.

My mom, the biggest saint in the world, she has dumped so much money into fixing his ears that Chase and I literally owe her our lives!  I can't begin to tell you the countless times the vet has had to put him under because they have had to go deep into the ear canal to remove nasty build-ups that have resulted in serious ear infections.  AND its never just been one ear, its always the both of them and one ear is always worse than the other.

We've been lucky the last several years, Chase has not had any real serious issues with his ears, apart from the usual gook.  But ever since Mr. Wonderful and I have moved in together, Chase's ears have taken a turn for the worse.  I doubt that his ears have anything to do with us moving in together, but I'm just giving a time frame.  This past summer was horrible, so many days with 90+ heat and no rain, plus Mr. Wonderful and I moved into a house with no yard, just dirt.  I'm trying to remember the last time that Chase's ears were this bad, but I think it was when the weather was horrible just like this past summer and this winter hasn't really been a picnic either.

All I know is that tomorrow, Chase has a vet appointment and I'm 99.9% sure its going to result in them telling me he needs to be put under so they can do a through cleaning... which in turn means they better be giving me a sh*t ton of sedatives afterwards to keep him from shaking his head!

Ugh, I knew raising a pet wasn't going to be easy, but this particular dog has run me through the ringer!  But at the end of the day, none of that matters, all that matters is that I love him with all my heart and really all he is guilty of is loving me unconditionally and leaving everlasting footprints on my heart!  I would go to the ends of the world and back for him... and that means doing whatever it takes to get him to be my happy go lucky dog again, because I now know for a fact that his craziness these last several months has nothing to do with me, but due to his ears!!! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...

~ Subscription boxes are a racket!  First they suck you in with their regular subs and then they hit you with the limited edition mystery boxes and you just have to have them for fear of missing out on something great.  It's a racket I tell you and why didn't I think of that?!?!?!

~ Um, Auto-Owners Insurance, yea they can kick rocks, I think their practice policies are a joke and I swear they do it on purpose so that people give up and don't file personal injury claims.

~ Medicare is on my sh*t list too... I swear they put into place shady practice policies too so that older people give up and just give in!!!  Too bad I watched my grandma get taken advantage of with shady practices and won't let others either!!!  Ooh, I should be an activist for the elderly!!!

~ So my dream wedding cake...  This one... Yea, it's apparently not going to happen so now its back to the drawing board. 

~ Here is how I feel about the new pope...

And my friend couldn't have said it any better.... and I quote...

"Here's my take on the the new dope, I mean pope. Unless he is going to address the child abuse issues, (having those who got away with it incarcerated), re-distribute the overwhelming gross amount of wealth to actual needy people and stop giving reproductive advice to women, along with getting over the gay bashing, he's just another jerk off in a dumb hat!"

~ And last but not least.... My Monkey Moo... Currently he is going through a loco stage and acting cray cray... but I still love the living sh*t out of this furry beast!

~ Oh and one last thought... For those 80 or so blog readers (I LOVE you for reading BTW!)  Please leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can return the love!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

* I received my Pink Fancy box today and immediately wrote an extremely snarky hate e-mail... I ended up with a $25 gift card... I'm still not happy but whatev!

* I've got two weeks left to get my reception invitations made and mailed out yet I can't get a hold of the person who is making them for me and honestly I don't care... picture invitations anyone?!?!

* I use way to many exclamation points in my extremely happy comments or any comments for that matter... so much so that I've actually had people complain!  And you know what... I really don't care... Get used to it or go away!!!

* The new limited edition PopSugar box just came out and it's a $100... I've got a wedding and honeymoon coming up as well as a $200 marriage license I need to buy and yea, I still bought the box anyway, lol!!!  Mind you I struggled back and fourth for quite a while...

* I've got way to many subscription boxes and everytime I try to cancel, the ones that I attempt to cancel put out something to die for and so I re-sub... I seriously need a case of willpower folks!!!

* I'm extremely pissed at a certain someone that I texted over the weekend and they totally blew me off... YET, when they text me and I don't get back to them in a timely manner they pop off at me for it... Guess what... You're on my sh*t list and I don't plan on getting back to your texts anytime soon so get over it!

* Mr. Wonderful is being lazy with the kitchen dishes and so they are piled up all around our sink in our nasty kitchen and really for a weird moment I don't care... but that's all about to change here next week because I am not going to continue to allow for it.

* My twit of a step-sister has no original bone in her body and it makes me laugh... she tries so hard to be like everyone else and all its doing is backfiring in her face and really I enjoy sitting back and watching it happen!!!  That's karma at its finest!

* Sunday is the one year anniversary of my engagement to Mr. Wonderful!!!  He owes me BIG TIME after the disaster last year...  I won't get into details because its not fair to him... but still... he better have something up his sleeve and I honestly shouldn't have to remind him either!!!

* I need to do something over the top for Mr. Wonderful's Easter Basket this year but I refuse to spend more than $20 and I am for sure not buying any candy with the exception of a peanut butter bunny... He already exceeded my expectations with a surprise over the weekend and now I need to top that...  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday Thoughts!

I'm linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts!  This Thursday I'm thinking about...

* Only 65 more days until my wedding and honeymoon at Disney World!!!  I can't help but to be stoked 24/7!!!  Anymore it's all I talk about at home and Tim is starting to get a wee bit annoyed!  Don't get me wrong, Tim is just as excited as me, but he said counting down the days speeds up time to him or wastes time, I don't know... All  I do know is that he's just looking forward to it finally being here but he won't count it down like me!

*  I'm thinking that the disconnect between my Microsoft Outlook and my Case Management Software better get over its bad self quickly... Because ain't nobody got time for downtime!

*  I got a sneak-peek spoiler of the upcoming March PopSugar box, yea I'm excited!!! 

*  I've been feeling not so hot this week and today I thought I caught a lucky break...meh not so much as I'm back to not feeling so hot again!

*  I need to get cracking on my reception invitations... I'm having a friend make them and yea I haven't even picked out any supplies to get them made and they need to be done and out by April thinks I need to get a move on it!

* Speaking of reception... I need to know that status of my wedding cake... will the one I want be made or not?!?!?

* I think something might be wrong with my dog Mr. Moo... he's been acting mighty strange lately and its freaking me out...

*  Tim and I got a membership to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science... we can't wait to make that museum our b*tch!!!  We plan on going as much as possible, plus we will continue to re-new our membership every year... we need a place to get out to when we have no money or are bored!   

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So What Wednesday!

I thought that I would try something new and participate in a link-up!  Today is So What Wednesday over at Life after I dew and today I am saying so what if:

* I'm getting married in 66 days and there is no way I am going to fit into my wedding dress!

* I'm supposed to be watching what I eat but am about to dig into a big Chipotle burrito!

* I've got multiple wedding registries and keep creating more for the "free stuff" I get for creating one.

* I want to eat every piece of Easter Candy there is out there... Christmas through Easter, stores put out the best candy ever... Peanut Butter Easter Eggs anyone?

* My house, it's a mess, I really should be nesting but its the last thing on my mind.

* Is it sad that I'm most looking forward to my honeymoon and not my wedding?!?!  I mean don't get me wrong, I'm excited to finally be getting married, but seriously, I can't wait to have all of Disney World at my feet!

* I spoil the dog way more than I should, they are only here for a short amount of time so why can't they live life to the fullest?!?!  And by fullest I mean a tummy full of treats!

* I own over 100 pairs of shoes and I've gotten rid of a fair amount as well, yet I want to buy like 6 more pairs from ShoeDazzle that are freaking adorable!

* I own a ton of nail polish colors but have yet to wear all of them once... Guess I better get crackin!

* I really should be eating but this blog post is more important!

What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?   

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Who Am I?

My Name is Stephanie B. and in 67 days I will be Mrs. Stephanie M.

This is me

I am 31 years old!

I am a paralegal at a personal injury law firm and have been in my line of work for over 12 years!

I have 3 college degrees... I was a busy girl!

I had a shoe addiction which led to a subscription box addiction and now I'm just saving money for my next big addiction!

I'm currently addicted to The Pretty Little Liars book series... I refuse to watch the show until I am caught up on the books!

I read Cosmopolitan and US Weekly.

My favorite things: Target, Hello Kitty, glitter, sparkles, the color pink, Scentsy, my iPad, my e-reader, Sushi, Froyo from Menchie's, my shoe collection, my Precious Moments collection and my make-up collection...there is so much more but little space and time to catalog it all!

This would be the love of my life, Mr. Wonderful, AKA, Mr. Tim M.

We got engaged on St. Patrick's Day 2012, see how happy we are!!!

Mr. Wonderful and I moved into our first house together in June of 2012.

Mr. Wonderful and I will be spending our Honeymoon at Disney World and by default we will be getting married there too!  The story behind this is a blog post of its own which I will share!

Mr. Wonderful is my Best Friend, no one in the world makes me laugh the way he makes me laugh!

Mr. Wonderful does everything in his power to make sure I'm happy!

This hunk of furry love, who is my world, is Monkey Moo, AKA Chase McLovin!

These other two hunks of furry love would be Lillian (R) and Mr. Ticket (L)!

This beautiful woman, she is my mother and has made me into who I am today!

I had to add this second picture of my mom, because yea, she is pretty much amazing!!!

This wonderful woman on my left, she would be my Grandma and the little time I had with her I wouldn't change for the world!

There is so much more about me that I would love to share but I feel like I shared the most important parts!  Besides, you will get to know me better the more that I post and until then, a little mystery never hurt nobody!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Way behind the 8-ball!

So I started blogging like a long time 2010-2011ish...around the time that I was unemployed!  I kept up with it a lot, only because I really honestly had nothing better to do, that and my farm on Farmville was not in need of farming at the moment.  But when I became employed again, my blog went to pot.

The blogging bug bit me again back in November of 2012 thanks to Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom!  Her blog is hilarious and she has two of the most adorable kids I've ever seen!!!  You should click the link to see what I'm talking about it, you won't regret it!!!  So of course I pulled down my old blog and started a new one over at Cafe Press.  Well that blog didn't last long due to it, in my opinion, being to complicated to work. 

So once again, here I am trying to give it another go, that and I have a lot of exciting things in my life that are coming up and of course I want to share them with the world, or at least people that will stop over and read my blog.  I can't shoot for the moon right away, I have to work up to it!

So... welcome those of you that have stopped over to see what I'm about!  I promise some good reading, or at least I will try!!!

Oh and for those of you new to me... I'm getting married to the love of my life Tim in 68 days!  I'm not keeping track or anything, lol!!!

Here is a picture of Tim and I the day after he asked me to marry him!!!

I promise in the next blog post or two to introduce myself and give you a glimpse into my life...or at least just enough to keep you hooked ;o)

Till my next post, stay classy and keep reading!